Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Best Terrorist Ever
Best Terrorist Ever Vatican calls verbal attack on Pope terrorism: "This, too, is terrorism. Its terrorism to launch attacks on the Church, it said. Its terrorism to stoke blind and irrational rage against someone who always speaks in the name of love, love for life and love for man."
The man above is a terrorist. His name is Andrea Rivera. Hes NOT a host of an open air concert you understand, dont be a fool, Hes a terrorist! An evil terrorist that wants to bring about the end of everything good and proper. Would the Vaticans official newspaper lie? Of course not! You just read their biting comment above.
"Why?" I hear you ask, "what evil did he say?"
Well I dont believe in giving EVIL TERRORISTS the oxygen of publicity but Im going to reproduce it below. I warn you its hideously offensive... proceed at your own risk... This is true terrorism....
The Pope says he doesnt believe in evolution. I agree, in fact the Church has never evolved,
What the hell! Now Ive heard that vile filth I know for sure that the Vatican is definitely NOT talking ABSOLUTE SHIT.
Surely he couldnt have said anything else.... But wait! There is more!
I cant stand the fact that the Vatican refused a funeral for Welby [a campaigner for euthanasia who was paralyzed with muscular dystrophy] but that wasnt the case for [Chilean dictator Augusto] Pinochet or [Spanish dictator Francisco] Franco, he said between musical acts at the open-air concert.
Youve heard it here first people. Well reasoned personal opinions on the actions of the Catholic church being used to inform others - thats TERRORISM to the Catholic faith.
And strangely - I agree with them.
In Science, or Art, or Design, or Politics, or Comedy, or Music, or Wikipedia, or Culture, or Architecture - fields that are in a state of constant development - when people criticise things, 9 times out of ten that discussion leads to things getting better.
To Catholicism that very act of self improvement is terrorism.
This is the perfect example of why most Religions as they stand today are dead forces. They are fundamentally opposed to improving itself. They define themselves as perfect. They judge everything else through a lense of their own perfection. I work in Astronomy at the moment, and day after day you see people trying to disprove their heros. To push forward, to learn, to better themselves. Of course human vanity is always there - but you still get the 60 year old established professor at the peak of their field who will throw away their lifes work because an upstart PhD student stumbled on some new data that proves them wrong.
And do you know what? These guys, who lifes work is now wrong (but never wasted), are happy. Because today they are closer to truth than yesterday, and maybe tomorrow they will be closer still.
And that is inspiring.
But sitting in an ivory tower, saying no one can ever know more than we know now, and if you so much as mock us we will call you a terrorist.
That is not.
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