Hi, can you suggest me best workaround/algorithm for below task: (oracle 10g, solaris os.) situation: table p has primary key column "code", child tables f1, f2,, f15 reference with foreign key column "p_code" column "p.code", and we don't know which of the child tables has data for particular "p.code" value.. Update primary key in oracle. ask question. up vote 1 down vote favorite. if you are having to update the primary key for anything other than exceptional circumstances oracle sql row values as columns. 1. select to get 3 rows of data to 3 different columns. hot network questions. Because we do not use names as keys. we use small, stable identifiers, such as are used to identify the data in the universe. how to update primary key value in sql? 1. update primary key in oracle. 3. postgresql: update primary key, avoid conflict. 0. deleting row in android sqlite-1. update using cte in two tables. 0..
Hi tom, if we create constraints on emp and dept (both initially deferred) or if we create ri constraint on emp (initially deferred) then directly we can update the master (dept) and child (emp).. We can have only one primary key and many unique keys on a table. primary key is same as a unique key with no null values. so can't we have multiple primary keys by making multiple unique keys with not null constraint on the columns involved in the unique keys.. While the reasons for this design decision can only be guessed at, the good news is that even for users on older oracle systems, there is a possible workaround to circumnavigate this pitfall and create your own auto incremented primary key column..