Open from within strings.xml. you can access the translations editor from within any of your strings.xml files. in the project > android panel on the left, select modulename > res > values. double-click strings.xml to open it for editing. in strings.xml, click the open editor link in the upper-right corner.. The description of strings.xml editor several ide's that allow to develop apps in android do not support the handling of string ressources this app means to fill this out, and allow for easy managing of a whole bunch of strings.xml files. This allows you the switch between the strings.xml for the different languages. a library i used for this is the android localization library all your activities have to extend the localizationactivity which extends the appcompatactivity. you just have to call setlanguage("en"); to change your apps language, and use a different strings.xml.
I have to go to my strings.xml and type in the xml tag for the new string. the demos show that android studio even replaces the code to get strings with the actual strings, but the demo never shows a string being created from zero.. The full set supported by android is zero, one, two, few, many, and other. the rules for deciding which case to use for a given language and quantity can be very complex, so android provides you with methods such as getquantitystring() to select the appropriate resource for you.. Android strings xml tips & tricks. karol wr