Root browser apk is a free android app which was created by jrummy of jrummy apps inc. root browser lite apk helps in exploring various android apps and thus takes the control over the different functioning of the android devices. it also enables you to access various internal files of your rooted android devices.. File explorer root browser is a fully featured file manager & root browser for rooted superusers to take control of their android device and root files & folders. - access all root directories: explore & access all of your android's root directories & subdirectories with this advanced root browser. Download apk download last apk version apps and games android.
Root browser lite 2.1.5 apk. download root browser lite 2.1.5.apk apk black files version 2.1.5 com.jrummy.root.browserfree size is 2203272 md5 is. Root browser classic is the ultimate file manager for rooted users!explore all of android's file systems and take control of your android device. from copying and pasting files, to moving and renaming them, you will have full root access to your device. root browser classic... File explorer root browser is a fully featured file manager & root browser for rooted superusers to take control of their android device and root files & folders. - access all root directories: explore & access all of your android's root directories & subdirectories with this advanced root browser - advanced root browser features: advanced features include a sqlite database editor, apk.