Friday, April 28, 2017

Bamboo Dresser Details

Bamboo Dresser Details

Yesterday, I added some French gray detail to this bamboo dresser. Unfortunately, I dont know the color. I only bought it in August, but somehow I cant remember where I used it, haha. 

Here is the dresser before I added detail:

 photo 276C2290-D2C2-487E-9083-C60873FAEE0E_zpsarjgak1t.jpg

The designer (Helen) decided that she wanted to enhance the details a little, so she brought me in for just that. 

Heres our outcome:

 photo AF0629C5-FBDB-428E-B8A4-4D600E25D0CD_zpsxzy2qcke.jpg

 photo 74FA2CAD-16ED-4FB8-94E1-6E287BAAD7CD_zpsf6fdculg.jpg

just for fun, here are a couple of other shots from the nursery (Which is going to be gorgeous. So sophisticated!)

 photo 76D4B09E-161A-4F55-B1A1-7F155A43FA5A_zpslxhc5ypd.jpg
(I actually painted the knobs on this dresser that same gray, too, but forgot to take a pic)

 photo CA3F2D72-9A56-481B-92B0-14EC6D114AED_zpscmde7wr9.jpg

What do you think? I love that dresser!

Available link for download