Saturday, December 2, 2017

Ballet Party

Ballet Party

Im always so excited to receive new photos from my talented friend, Kate Petronis of And Everything Sweet. Kate is a cake decorator and loves to style beautiful parties. I hope you are inspired by her latest dessert table for a sweet ballerina baby shower. Kate asked to alter some of the Amandas Parties To Gos BALLET PARTY PRINTABLES to make them suitable for the baby shower. The Birthday Version of the set can be found in the shop here.

Kate tells us a little about the party here:

"Its a good thing you like the color pink Mommy, cause youre making A LOT of pink things!!" (Said my sweet little Olivia yesterday as I was working on this table)

And WHOA was she right!! THAT was a lot of pink!!! ;)

But it wasnt TUTU much because theyre HAVING A GIRL!! And how do you celebrate your first little baby girl? You splash pink decorations all over the room, gather friends and indulge on PINK desserts. (thats where I come in).

The expectant mama has a real passion for dance and loves Angelina Ballerina. They wanted sweet, pink, ballet themed yumminess on a table and thats just what they got! I had SO much fun putting together this table because as my sweet Olivia pointed out, I LOVE pink! I will admit however that the tutu table skirt nearly killed me. I never want to work with that much tulle again!! (*picture yards and yards of tulle, an abundance of static electricity and one innocent little baker, ME, caught in the middle of it all*).  But other than that I just had "tutu" much fun.

Thank you, Kate! Your work inspires us all to make beautiful parties for our own little ones.

BALLET PARTY INVITATION to coordinate with the
Ballet Party Printables set can also be found in the shop.


Kate Petronis: All desserts and cake
Amandas Parties To Go: Ballet Party Printables

Available link for download