Thursday, December 7, 2017

Best World History Podcast

Best World History Podcast

Jeff Feinstein just posted his favorite podcast for US History. Its called the Backstory with the American History guys.

On Top of the World is my favorite podcast for World History. Its hosted by Dave Eaton, associate professor at Grand Valley State University, and Matt Drwenski, a former AP history teacher in Houston, Texas and now a graduate student at the University of Pittsburg.

Eaton and Drwenski started the podcast this fall.  Most recordings last about 40 minutes. You can subscribe to them on iTunes or even Stitcher.

Here are some of the topics.
  • Big History and its critics
  • A review of Guns Germs and Steel
  • African topics in world history
  • Content skills in world history
  • Easter Island
On Top of the Worlds website also includes ideas for lesson plans for some topics. For example, Dave Eaton posted a great lesson teaching the Swahili Coast and another on teaching the Tang Dynasty. 

These so-called subject guides examine what textbooks say about the subject and then "examine more specialized writing and offer some exercises aimed at “unpacking the textbook” or making the topic more engaging."

You can follow On Top of the World on Facebook.

Available link for download