Saturday, July 1, 2017
Baseball Bash!
Baseball Bash!
Its safe to say I am obsessed with baseball. Its my favorite sport of all time! Maybe it has to do that I played softball my entire life and was even was lucky enough to have a scholarship to play in college! Its so much fun to watch and I love going to the games!
With that said I knew I had to make something for baseball season! This is my Baseball and Sportsmanship Craftivity Pack!
Big baseball fan? This packet will be great to entertain your kiddos. Its a writing packet that is full of baseball fun. From making predictions to knowing what great sportsmanship is, this writing packet is just for your little ones! They will have a blast making the craft and writing about their favorite team!
This Packet Includes:
-writing prompts-full/half/primary/seconday/black&white
-making lists
-word search
-write it/draw it
-favorite baseball player wksht
-rhyming wksht
-class survey
-making predictions
-showing sportsmanship wkshts
and more fun printables!
If you would like to see more on this Packet, click HERE or drop by my TpT Store to check out my other products and crafts!
Whos your favorite team?
My personally, I love the Yankees. My favorite player was Nick Swisher before sadly he was traded to the Indians. I was honestly devastated. My other favorite is Gardner. He is such awesome in every aspect!
I think Derik Jeter is amazing but I am not a "fan" necessarily. And Ill tell you why.
When I was younger, (ehhh like 4 or 5 years ago LoL ) my younger brother and I went to a game and was really close to the players as they were on the field warming up before the game. At this time, I was obsessed with Jeter! So of course my brother and I were yelling out for him to sign our ball. He was seriously 5 feet away from us. He kept ignoring us. Like HELLO, we know you hear us. Finally we tried one last time and said, "Jeter please sign our ball". He literally turned around and made eye contacts with us and said, "SHHHHHHH with his finger over his mouth." I was about 2 seconds away from crying and telling him off at the same time when Johnny Damon came over and signed our ball. He was super nice and ugh just super nice!
Whats your favorite team? Whos your favorite player?
Leave a comment letting me know your favorite team and player and I will choose someone tonight through random generator and the winner will receive this Baseball Packet.
Congrats to Success in Second Grade! Will be e-mailing you shortly!
Congrats to Success in Second Grade! Will be e-mailing you shortly!
Available link for download