Friday, August 4, 2017

BBM MR NEON Versi 2 9 0 45 APK

BBM MR NEON Versi 2 9 0 45 APK

While being a TDD--Test Driven Development--coach, I am always asked about testing private methods. I finally decided to write about my experience on testing private methods.

When really doing TDD (i.e. writing the test code before writing the functional code, and then refactoring the code) private methods are guaranteed to be test covered. When driving the functional code design and implementation from the unit test (aka Test Driven Development), no method is created private. Instead, the private methods are extracted—extract method refactoring step--from a public or package level method. The Example 1 below presents a scenario on applying TDD and how the private method is created.

New code development following TDD

Example 1: new code development following TDD

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