Friday, November 17, 2017

Betty When You Call Me You Can Call Me

Betty When You Call Me You Can Call Me

I have a not-close colleague that I call a name that is structurally similar to but not actually "Allen." I call him "Allen" because all his other colleagues call him "Allen." Plus, when we first met, he introduced himself to me as "Allen."

However, there are two people I know who Ive heard refer to him in conversations as "Al." Both these people happen to hold important positions in funding agencies from which Allen gets money. I wonder if its that "Allen" says "Call me Al" to these people, or, if funding people spontaneously decide to start calling you by the nickname form of your name, you dont correct them.

Next time I meet somebody who could be financially helpful for my projects, Im walking straight up and introducing myself as "Scar."

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